Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Definition of an Ion in Chemistry

Definition of an Ion in ChemistryDefinition of anion in chemistry is difficult for the student to grasp. Anion is simply a word to describe the bond between two carbon atoms. But what is an anion and why is it important to understand chemistry? Well, an anion bond is a two-carbon bond, which means it has two carbon atoms in each other to form and thus it is considered as a double bond.An ion is a charged atom with no negative charges. It is a 'charged' molecule, which means that the anion ends have more negative charge than the covalent bonds on the neutral ends. If a molecule is composed of hydrogen and oxygen, they are the most commonly known atoms in the chemical world.The meaning of an ion bond is basically the same but an ion bond is a type of bond where one electron (an electron can be considered as the smallest atom) is missing from a carbon atom in a molecule. An ion bond is therefore said to be composed of anion and covalent bonds which are the bonding of two negatively char ged atoms. Thus an ion is just another form of an acid and the molecule is an ionic compound.Chemistry plays a vital role in this world, so you have to know about it well. You can also try to do some online research or else a short textbook study will do. An ionic compound may have different names depending on the type of bond and composition of the molecule. For example, the bond of anion and covalent is often called a covalent bond.Covalent bonds are the types of bonds between molecules and their constituent ions. Basically, it is the building block of many compounds. If you are planning to learn about chemical compounds, then you should start your journey at Chemistry 101. A student should first start off by learning the basics of chemistry, which involves the learning of the basic elements having different atomic numbers. And so, he will be taught the basics of molecules, atoms, ionic compounds and bond energies.Covalent bonds are very easy to define since it is the basis of man y compounds. It is best if you are able to go to your school library and take a look at some chemistry textbooks. Then, read the definition of an ion in each of the chapters and then ask yourself questions such as 'what is an ion? '.Covalent bonds are also easy to define and study since it also involves the bonding of two substances into one another. In this case, the defining is usually done by comparing with a scientific paper. There are two ways by which covalent bonds are defined. One is through the terms such as a covalent bond or ionic bond.The second method is to compare it with an ion. An ion is defined by an anion that has a negative charge. When a negative ion is present, the covalent bond is said to be normal. In this way, we can conclude that the definition of an ion in chemistry is not hard to understand and the knowledge about covalent bonds are also quite important.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Number and Quantity Help Algebra Class - Make Sure You Have Algebra Tricks

Number and Quantity Help Algebra Class - Make Sure You Have Algebra TricksThese days a lot of students find that learning how to remember math problems in a problem-solving environment can be difficult. They begin looking for tricks and learn new ways to learn, but in the end they simply move onto a different course.I'm here to tell you that there are still some very good ways to help with the problem with math. Even if you want to learn how to actually find the answer and work with some algebra, you still need to have a great way to look at numbers and quantity help.Number and quantity help are used together. When you remember math, your memory works better and helps with the problem solving. Since when is a simple addition and subtraction not helpful?I believe it would be best to use an algebra guide for your new algebra course. This will be easier because the teacher will already know what you're going to be doing. Just look for a learning method that will work for you. There are many free methods that you can use.Your learning plan should be something that works for you. If you don't like it, then try something else. The best way to learn is to make mistakes and figure out how to learn from them. By doing this, you'll learn just enough to solve the problem, and when you do, you're much better prepared to apply the knowledge you have learned.The best way to use a lesson in a learning system for algebra is to check out a simple algebra book for many reasons. They all offer basic algebra information, and they also offer some way to practice.There are many algebra books that can be found online. The books can be downloaded and read over your computer or using a book reader. This will help you remember a bit more and practice it so that you don't forget it.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What is the Constant R in Chemistry?

What is the Constant R in Chemistry?Chemists have the continuous questioning about what is the constant R in Chemistry. The question is that how come there is a constant R in Chemistry? How come there is an explanation for something that is always changing?Some of these questions are actually answered by scientists in the course of the research, but one thing is the understanding that some explanation to what is the constant R in Chemistry has been given. In other words, there was a theory that was taught for quite some time in high school that there are two chemical properties that determine whether a substance is poisonous or not. These are the boiling point and the molecular weight.Now the boiling point and the molecular weight are the two properties that explain why some substances react differently than other substances. If you boil any substance at its highest temperature, and add some other chemical compound to it, the reaction that results will be different from the reaction that results if the same substance was heated at the lowest temperature possible. The boiling point of the substance and the molecular weight of the compound do not have to be the same for the two reactions to occur.So where did this explanation come from that you cannot imagine what is the constant R in Chemistry? It is indeed a combination of two phenomena. There is a cycle in our life where two things happen all the time and these are continuous change.Let us look at the first thing that causes the cycle in our life, the two things that make a change to both things are physical properties that we call the chemical properties have something to do with the speed and flow of energy. It is the very nature of this energy that we know as heat. The use of this heat is essential for life. Our bodies are not completely designed to run on the external heat that comes from the sun but their energy source is the internal heat that comes from inside of the body.All the properties that we desc ribe as chemical properties must include the chemical properties of energy. The chemical properties are like a mirror image of each other. If we add water and stir it, we create a substance that will dissolve in water and when stirred, it will float to the top of the water. The chemical properties of water are not the same as the chemical properties of the substances that will dissolve when added.The chemical properties are a mirror image of each other and this explains why there is a constant R in Chemistry. The cycles in our life do not only go on within the four elements of earth, they go on within the six elements of the world. This means that every element in the world will eventually change and the cycle will keep repeating itself until a new element is found.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How the Violin is Played in the Americas

How the Violin is Played in the Americas Playing the Violin in the Americas ChaptersCommon Violins in the AmericasThe Violin Around the AmericasWhere to Learn to Play the Violin in the AmericasThe Most Famous Violinists from the Americas“Don’t go faster than the violin” - Quebecois ProverbThe violin family of stringed instruments is as popular in North and South America as it is in Europe. 15% of music students in the United States of America play the violin whereas 41% play the guitar.“Ability to think, like the violin or piano, requires daily practice.” - Charlie ChaplinWhile this is quite high in comparison to South America, there’s still local interest in the violin.In this article, we're going to have a look at the countries around the Americas and how they play the violin and similar string instruments.It’s important, from a young age, to attend music schools and higher education institutions and conservatoires if you want to become a great violinist, composer, or performer. In the Americas, there are tonnes of reputable establishments of fering violin tuition. Here are some of the most reputable:Conservatorio Superior de Música “Manuel de Falla”, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaMusical Conservatory Beethoven, Saõ Paulo, BrazilConservatoire de musique du Québec à Montréal, CanadaHumber College School of Music in Toronto, Canada.Projazz Professional Institute, Providencia, ChileEMMAT, Bogota, ColombiaUniversidad de Costa Rica, Costa RicaConservatorio Amadeo Roldan, Havana, CubaJulliard School, New York, United States of AmericaConservatorio de Música de Occidente “Jesús Castillo”, GuatemalaInstituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura, Mexico City, MexicoFacultad de Bellas Artes, Panama City, PanamaConservatorio Nacional de Música, Lima, PeruConservatory of Music of Puerto RicoEscuela Universitaria de Música, Montevideo, UruguayConservatorio de Música Simón Bolívar, Caracas, VenezuelaDid you know that there are over 350 internationally-recognised establishments in the United States where you can train to be a professional violinist?Speaking of professionals, do you know some of the most famous violinists from the Americas?The Most Famous Violinists from the AmericasSome play in international orchestras and some know every one of Mozart’s symphonies off by heart. Here are some of the most famous American (both North American and South American) violinists:Willy Arteaga. A violinist from Venezuela known for using his violin politically against the current regime in place.Ljerko Spiller. A violinist and conductor whose two children are both on the same musical path.Jean Carignan. One of the greatest Canadian violinists.Ricardo Herz. A Brazilian violin virtuoso.Yilian Cañizares. A Cuban violin maestro.Catalina Escobar. A Chilean violinist who now plays in France.Manuel Arce Sotelo. A violinist and ethnomusicologist from Peru.Enrique Diemecke. A Mexican conductor and violinist.There are a lot of famous violinists from both North and South America. (Source: RoAll)The violin is a passio nate instrument with a variety of influences and ways to be played, especially across the Americas.Would you like to become the next great violinist or one of the best composers of your generation?If you can't make it all the way to the Americas, don't forget there are private tutors available in the UK such as the tutors on Superprof. Since you're a tutor's only student (in that class), they can tailor all the lesson to you.Additionally, a large portion of the tutors on Superprof offer the first hour of tuition for free. This is a great opportunity to talk to them about how they teach, what they can teach you, and just to see if you get along. Whether you want to learn the violin for fun, get into a prestigious music school (in North America, South America, or elsewhere), or become a professional violinist, you can find a tutor to help you work towards your goals.For those who live rurally or have a work schedule that doesn't allow them to get regular violin tutorials, there are al ways online private tutorials via webcam. These are often cheaper than face-to-face tutorials as the tutor doesn't have to cover the cost of travelling in their rates.Violin is played differently around the world, learn more about how the violin is played in Africa or how violinists  play in Asia  and the importance of the violin in Europe.

Career Planning 101 The Basics You Need to Propel Your Career - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Career Planning 101 The Basics You Need to Propel Your Career - Introvert Whisperer Career Planning 101: The Basics You Need to Propel Your Career All too often, we launch our careers simply by chance rather than by deliberate direction, and the direction we head after that looks very haphazard. While hard work and great results can definitely benefit your career trajectory, it still needs some consistent planning to really get the best results. Even if you’ve been working for ages and never thought to do some career management for yourself, it’s not too late to deploy some of these tactics to manage your career. If you are a newly minted graduate, you can fold these into your ongoing planning from day 1. Tactics to manage your career: 1. Have a Goal in Mind Even if you change your mind, continually be aiming at some specific career goal. It could be a promotion, advancement or an assignment to be pursued. Having a goal in mind helps shape your other actions. Without a goal, there’s no telling where you will end up. (Like this thought? Tweet it!) 2. Get Knowledgeable About the Criteria for Attaining Your Goal Questions you should be continuously asking are: What does it take to be promoted to the next level? To receive advancement? To be assigned to a juicy project? This is like climbing a mountain; you first need to decide which mountain. Once you do that, you can figure out the best way to get to your destination and what you need to support the climb. 3. Analyze Your Shortages With your goal in mind, you need to turn your attention to what you need to equip yourself with in order to be qualified to attain your goal. There may be a skill you need to develop or level up, and if that is true, how will you accomplish it? You may need to enroll in a class or seek someone out to train you. It’s safe to say that with all goals, there is action and knowledge required to get there. 4. Get Insight You would do well to speak to the people who have accomplished what you want to do. These people can provide you with great insight and information about the nature of the work and what they had to do to achieve what they did. While your path may be somewhat different, this type of information can prove invaluable, especially if there is some political work needed. Political turf is not always plain to see, and it’s good to get the “lay of the land”. 5. Create Accountability One thing about our own personal goals is that there’s no one but ourselves to push us and hold us accountable for taking the steps to achieve our goals. There are various things you can do to help you stay true to your commitment, starting with putting dates on your actions or steps. You can also involve someone in your plan, such as your boss, mentor or coach. If you ask someone to keep you accountable and ask you about your progress, it will help create a positive “tension” to keep you on task. 6. Prepare to Update Your Plan I once heard a saying, “A plan cannot withstand a collision with reality.” That means things happen that will cause your plan to stray off of its path. This is natural, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a plan. It simply means you need to continually update your plan as various circumstances present setbacks or opportunities. It’s good for you to refresh your plan at least every 6 months, or whenever some significant changes affect either your direction or actions. The management of your career is your responsibility; and you have to know that it may or may not go anywhere without your guidance. The effort you put into the thinking and ongoing planning will pay you back with the benefit of a career you love. Plus you will feel the direction is largely in your control. Who wouldn’t love that? Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable.   Get your copy now and start your action plan today: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential. Which of these career management tactics could you stand to brush up on? Share your thoughts in the comments! Image: Photobucket

Home Tutoring at Secondary School and Sixth Form

Home Tutoring at Secondary School and Sixth Form One to One Private Tuition for GCSE and A Level Students ChaptersWhat Subjects do Tutors Teach?Private Tutoring for Exam ResitsPrivate Tutors for a Change in Career PathGet Your Knowledge Up to Scratch with One on One TuitionStarting the GCSE and A Level years with their constant focus on grades can distress some teenagers.This is just one reason why finding a private tutor in secondary school and sixth form is a good idea.This new step in a student’s academic career sees them make their first serious decisions as they think about potential career paths.Increased academic skills and independence are generally expected of them by teachers and parents, which can put learners under pressure and cause them to worry.The higher a student’s grades in GCSE and A Level exams, the more choice they have in the future.Exam results determine whether the pupil can continue their studies at a university or higher education institution, so it is in their best interest to be well-prepared in the run up to exams. In fact many people continue to use tuto rs at university.Let’s have a look at how individualised private lessons can benefit GCSE and A Level pupils. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Di scover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Subjects do Tutors Teach?Taking one to one lessons whilst studying for GCSE or A Level exams gives students the opportunity to consolidate their newly-acquired knowledge and gain confidence in a given subject.The final years of a teenager’s state education represent an important step in the level of specialisation which characterises study at this particular level.Why not see if art takes your fancy? ¦ source: Pixabay - nataliaaggiatoAs notions become more complex with each school y ear, students delve deeper into the details of each subject, which can cause problems for some.According to the Telegraph, in 2016 the number of students who resat GCSE maths and English in an attempt to achieve a grade C or higher rose about 32%.This shows that certain students may need help in certain subjects in order to get the grades they need upon the first attempt.The importance of each subject will vary depending on a pupil’s chosen career path, meaning some carry more value than others. Even though an A*-C grade in maths and English is required for a lot of jobs and university courses, it’s important to keep your eye on the ball â€" so make sure you also prioritise the subjects you need to succeed in the future!For those who want to study humanities further on in their academic careers, subjects such as English literature, languages and history are preferable. However, if you’re a budding scientist, you’ll need to study subjects like maths, sciences and ICT.The disc iplines which are not considered to be ‘core’ subjects can sometimes appear decisive. For instance, students who choose to focus on learning a musical instrument may worry that this might limit their options if people expect them to become a professional musician.However, this is not the case. It is possible to take A Levels in maths, physics, music and French and end up doing a humanities degree.So, the subjects a student chooses to focus on is up to them and how they feel about taking them further depending on their experience or difficulties.A private tutor can help students who wish to focus on a certain subject whilst maintaining a good balance with other, ‘core’ disciplines.Mentoring from a private educator alongside school study is the best way to guarantee academic success. Tutors UK can provide supplemental instruction on a frequent hourly basis according to your needs and their teaching capabilities.When you set out to find a tutor, make sure you choose wisely.Alth ough the tutor does not necessarily need to be a certified teacher or hold any teaching qualifications, in order to become a tutor and provide homework help, private tutors should have attained a higher level of qualification than their students.Private Tutoring for Exam ResitsRetaking exams is a chance for students to make a fresh start and improve their overall grade for a subject.As novelist and philosopher Charles Pépin once said:“He who has never failed has never lived”One to one tuition is an opportunity to take stock of the gaps in a student’s knowledge and the difficulties encountered as a result of these, as well as to identify areas for improvement.Academic tutoring services can help students through difficulties and give them the motivation to bounce back stronger from their failure and succeed next time.A fresh face could be just what you need ¦ source: Pixabay - HamiJeezyThere is a multitude of reasons why someone might need to retake an exam. For some students, struggling to understand key points can be their downfall. For others, personal difficulties such as bullying or a family bereavement can affect their performance in exams.One to one tutors get to know each tutee individually to find the best way to move forward from whatever difficulties they may be faced with.Not everyone who retakes an exam chooses to do so because they have failed their first attempt.Some students resit certain exams to improve their grade. For example, if a student is looking to have a career in science, they may want to improve their GCSE grade in maths to give themselves more opportunities in the future.It is important to avoid getting into the habit of relying on resits, especially at university. There are private tutors available for every level, including undergraduate, so you can get the support you need to get a good grade on your first attempt.Private Tutors for a Change in Career PathIt’s not always easy to decide on your future career as a teenager . For this reason, it’s not uncommon for sixth-form students to do completely different subjects than their GCSEs or change between subjects in the first few weeks of study.Choosing a career path is rarely easy.It involves drawing on your personal preferences and what you enjoy, but also considering where these could potentially take you. Whatever you have in mind, your parents and teachers will be able to advise you on the next steps to take.However, don’t let anyone else’s opinions put you under pressure or turn you away from your ideal profession.When teenagers want to be sure about setting their study options in stone, taking private lessons can be a good way to confirm their interest in a subject before taking it further.Home tutors are able to help students progress academically and unlock their learning potential by advising them on routes into their chosen career.Perhaps you’ve realised that choices you made at the end of secondary school or the beginning of sixth fo rm aren’t the right ones. Not to worry â€" a private tutor can help make the transition to the right track smoother.To get yourself moving in the right direction, in home tutoring can provide encouragement, advice and certainty when it comes to test preparation, exam resits and choosing a profession.Get Your Knowledge Up to Scratch with One on One TuitionAs we go through the education system, course content becomes more complex and understanding new concepts relies more on the fundamentals learnt lower down in school.So, when difficulties arise, an extra helping hand can make all the difference in not allowing gaps in knowledge to widen.In secondary school and sixth form, students are mature enough to recognise any areas in need of improvement which may affect their final results.Stuck in a rut with your education? Academic tuition could give you the encouragement you need ¦ source: Pixabay - WokandapixA home tutor will accompany along the way to achieving your dream by helping y ou to fill the gaps and overcome difficulties to build a solid foundation of knowledge for further learning.Unlike school teachers, tutors are able to evaluate the learning style as well as the  strengths and weaknesses of each learner and offer them a tailored learning plan to consolidate and further develop their study skills.At secondary school, pupils are at a stage in their schooling where teaching methods begin to evolve as more responsibility lies with the pupil. Students are expected to take their own notes from lessons rather than being dictated to.New responsibilities for their education teaches students about taking initiative, which is highly valued in the eyes of educators and educational institutions.Whether you are a generalist hoping to change to a technological path, or looking for some support with your learning, private tuition is an opportunity to build self-confidence on the way to achieving your goals.Discover the benefits of starting private tuition at primary school from a young age.

homework help in math

homework help in math Every child I meet make me feels that he or she is going to be a big thing in future. Everyone wants to become successful and thus being successful means having a good background and a prosperous future. When you have a good career ahead nothing but it only gives you self dependence and relaxation that your future is secured. Not only the kids, but also their respective parents even want their child to get a better future for tomorrow. Today different career opportunities have arrived in and that helps a child to pursue their dreams into reality. When you have a dream, every single student wants to change it to reality. The entire path is difficult and so a guidance can help you to change your dreams into reality. But before we had lots of such issues that were unable to be mended and they were that every child should be having enough knowledge on some of the particular subject and among which mathematics and science were primary. Today also there is similar scenario where every child has to learn mathematics and have to have a strong base over the subject. Mathematics is such a subject in which you have to do everything. From memorizing the formula to learning the methods of doing a sum, every single thing has to be kept in mind. To know the subject in-depth you need good teacher and great way of assistance that will help you land up easily with the subject and with less hurdle. School level teaching is not enough and it is not possible for any student to acquire every single detail whatever is taught at school. So, for good and proper learning you need something more and that something more is help from private tutors. Today the availability of private tutors is found largely and so every private tutor aim to provide you with the best tutoring guide. But are they really able to fulfill their dreams with the help of such teachers. It seems to be doubtful and so the importance of private tutors has decreased to a large extent. Tutoring facility at its best New way of tutoring facility has taken up most of the space of learning process of the society and so students tend to avail such type of services. It is new yet of great avail. Online tutoring process is the new trend of learning. Have you ever heard about it? If no then now is the time to learn what the entire concept is about and how can the teaching process follow. Every child at the present era is very capable to use internet and can be said to be tech savvy. They know the influences of internet and every bit of it that how it can be used. For such kids online tutoring is the best way through which they can get the best teaching and that also within their own limitations. Now it’s time that you should know about the pros and cons of the entire learning process so that you get a clear concept about what the entire process is all about. Advantages of online tutoring Let us note down some of the online tutoring facilities and benefits that will help you to know about the entire process.   Good availability of teachers- This is one of the best way through which you can get best learning. The entire domain of teachers is very efficient and knows how to help each student in their own way. The appointment process of the teachers is conducted through a very tough way and so the best results only come out. The qualified teachers are only entertained and it depends on the institute as whom will they choose. No limitation over classes- Another important facility is that the online tutoring facility does not have time limitation. When you are into the class then the class can keep going till the time you want the class to go. It entirely depends on the student as how they will manage the class and how can they get most help by attending such classes. One-on-one service- One of the best is that if you are a shy student and cannot open up with your problems regarding mathematics. As mathematics is one of the tough subjects so it needs special attention and care for those students who are rather weak in it. So, a good and expert teacher can only help you survive in this situation. So, when you have an assured guidance for your help then you can easily come out of any problem related with any tough subject even. Huge comfort- the best part of online tutoring is that the student can get unlimited comfort when they attend the classes. You can attend the classes while sitting at home at your favorite couch. This increases your concentration power as well as helps you to learn the subject faster and better. No extra charges- if you go for any private tuition classes then you have to spend many things altogether. You have to spend your time, your energy and also your transportation charges. But here no such charges have to be paid. You are availing your classes while sitting at home and so you do not have to spend on transport, neither will you have waste of time and energy. You may now seem to be in a dilemma as which institute to go for who will lend you all these services. So, here also I can help you and suggest you to give a look at Tutor Pace. It is one of the reputed institutes that have some of the best features along with the above features. The charges also are not very high and so a middle class family can easily afford it. So, from now on-wards it won’t be a problem at all if you get stuck somewhere in mathematics as Homework Help in Math is easily available at Tutor Pace.