Friday, March 6, 2020

What is the Constant R in Chemistry?

What is the Constant R in Chemistry?Chemists have the continuous questioning about what is the constant R in Chemistry. The question is that how come there is a constant R in Chemistry? How come there is an explanation for something that is always changing?Some of these questions are actually answered by scientists in the course of the research, but one thing is the understanding that some explanation to what is the constant R in Chemistry has been given. In other words, there was a theory that was taught for quite some time in high school that there are two chemical properties that determine whether a substance is poisonous or not. These are the boiling point and the molecular weight.Now the boiling point and the molecular weight are the two properties that explain why some substances react differently than other substances. If you boil any substance at its highest temperature, and add some other chemical compound to it, the reaction that results will be different from the reaction that results if the same substance was heated at the lowest temperature possible. The boiling point of the substance and the molecular weight of the compound do not have to be the same for the two reactions to occur.So where did this explanation come from that you cannot imagine what is the constant R in Chemistry? It is indeed a combination of two phenomena. There is a cycle in our life where two things happen all the time and these are continuous change.Let us look at the first thing that causes the cycle in our life, the two things that make a change to both things are physical properties that we call the chemical properties have something to do with the speed and flow of energy. It is the very nature of this energy that we know as heat. The use of this heat is essential for life. Our bodies are not completely designed to run on the external heat that comes from the sun but their energy source is the internal heat that comes from inside of the body.All the properties that we desc ribe as chemical properties must include the chemical properties of energy. The chemical properties are like a mirror image of each other. If we add water and stir it, we create a substance that will dissolve in water and when stirred, it will float to the top of the water. The chemical properties of water are not the same as the chemical properties of the substances that will dissolve when added.The chemical properties are a mirror image of each other and this explains why there is a constant R in Chemistry. The cycles in our life do not only go on within the four elements of earth, they go on within the six elements of the world. This means that every element in the world will eventually change and the cycle will keep repeating itself until a new element is found.

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